Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bitpsy Professional Jumbo Lemon Squeezer Review

I have owned those cheap little plastic lemon/orange juicers and they were time consuming and didn't get much juice out. I have owned several plastic type of citrus squeezers and they would end up breaking over a length of time. The Btipsy citrus squeezer is extremely well made, heavy duty and durable. It's better than your typical store bought squeezers. I love making lemonade and fresh orange juice and have been using this. There is nothing like a fresh home made drink. I am also huge on marinating. I marinated my baby back ribs with the lemon and orange juices I got from my squeezer and they were divine! I also used this squeezer to add a splash of juice over my baked fish. Overall, this is a great citrus squeezer and it's made to last.

Get yours here:--> 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for giving the review. I was in search of lemon squeezer or similar kind of tool. The Bitpsy Professional Jumbo Lemon Squeezer doesn't seem bad at all. I just saw the video and it is working well.
